Adam studied Mathematics at Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, graduating with First Class Honours. He then went to Imperial College London, where he obtained a Distinction in his Masters in Applied Mathematics, was awarded the Doris Chen Merit Prize during his PhD, and has just completed a EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowship.

Aidan studied Theoretical Physics at Imperial College London, graduating with a First Class degree. He has completed a Masters degree in Mathematics at Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge, specialising in Theoretical Physics; taking courses on String Theory, Black Holes, Quantum Field Theory and other related topics. Aidan currently plans on doing a PhD in String Theory.

English Literature
Benjy studied English at King’s College London, where he graduated with a first-class degree. He is currently completing a PhD in English at Brown University in the United States, where his research focuses on Early Modern poetry. He is especially interested in the aesthetics of pain, pleasure and religious ecstasy in sixteenth- and seventeen-century poets and sonneteers like Donne, Herbert, Crashaw, Herrick and Shakespeare.
Carolina graduated from University College London, with a degree in Economics and Eastern European studies, which focused on causes and responses to economic crises. Spending a year at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Carolina conducted a research project on Russian energy policy and the challenges that arise from sectoral sanctions. She is currently completing a MSc at the London School of Economics, focussing on the history and evolution of political Islam.
Clementine has just finished her 4th year studying medicine at the University of Manchester. Her interests lie mainly in neurology and cancer care and has just finished her elective at the Manchester Centre for Clinical Neurosciences. She also has a keen interest in research, previously completing a research poster which was accepted at the 2023 UKCRF network conference, summarising her work investigating barriers to research participation faced by doctors in the NHS.
History / Classics
Daniel studied Classics and American History at McGill University, graduating with a first-class joint honours with distinction. He then continued at McGill completing a Masters in Classics. Daniel is currently reading for a DPhil in Classical Languages and Literature at Hertford College, University of Oxford focusing on Classical Reception.
Philosophy / Classical Civiliations
Dave is a Lecturer in Philosophy in the Department of Politics, International Relations, and Philosophy at Royal Holloway, University of London. His primary research interests lie in Ancient Philosophy (and especially where it intersects with Ancient Comedy). He holds a PhD in Platonic Philosophy from Royal Holloway, for which he was awarded the College Crosslands Scholarship. Prior to this, he read Classics and Philosophy at Trinity College, Dublin before coming to England to pursue an MA in Classical Reception at University College, London.
International Relations
Euan is an ESRC funded PhD candidate at King’s College London. Euan obtained a first-class degree in International Relations from the University of Edinburgh and a masters degree, with distinction, in Crisis and Security Management from Leiden University. He also completed a second masters degree, with distinction, in ‘MA European Studies’ at King’s College London, serving as a precursor to his doctoral research. He spent the third year of his Edinburgh studies at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, thanks to an Erasmus scholarship.
Fatima is currently in her fourth year of Medicine at University College London. She has also received her BSc in Global Health where she produced a research project exploring polio vaccine hesitancy through a behavioural lens. She has recently completed an audit assessing the impact of COVID-19 on the adherence to BOAST guidelines as well as patient safety and satisfaction with the virtual fracture clinic.
Hannah is in her fifth year studying Medicine at University College London. She achieved a First Class Honours in her BSc, Women’s Health, where she conducted research on pregnancy loss beyond 16 weeks. Her work focused on identifying contributing factors and exploring avenues for improving clinical care in subsequent pregnancies. She has a particular interest in the fields of obstetrics and gynaecology, psychiatry, and public health.
Harry is a PhD student and tutor in philosophy at New College, Oxford University. His research engages with a wide range of philosophical issues and centres on the topic of ‘the limits of human thought’, and he tutors Oxford undergraduates in metaphysics, epistemology and the philosophy of science and cognitive science.
James is an aspiring barrister who graduated from the University of Nottingham with First Class Honours in LLB Law. His main academic interests lie in commercial and chancery topics but he also enjoys property and public international law. He is currently studying the Bar Practice Course at the Inns of Court College of Advocacy as the Yarborough-Anderson Scholar of Inner Temple.
James has completed an MPhil in Mathematics at the University of Warwick. The research looked at the equidistribution of periodic orbits in abelian extensions of hyperbolic dynamical systems. Prior to the MPhil, James graduated from Durham University with a MMath in Mathematics (European Studies) (First class honours). As part of this degree, James spent a year studying Maths (in German) at the Ruhr University Bochum.
History / International Relations
Jana Hunter is a PhD candidate in the Faculty of History and a Stipendiary Lecturer in Global History at New College, University of Oxford. Her research focuses on the relationship between time and temporality in Central and Eastern Europe during the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth century. She was the Jane Eliza Procter Fellow at Princeton University for the 2022/23 academic year. Prior to Oxford, Jana was at the University of Cambridge where she studied for an MPhil in Modern European History and at Durham University where she completed her undergraduate degree in History.
Jeanie has completed two law degrees at University College London, an undergraduate and a masters with a specialism in Litigation and Dispute Resolution (the latter of which she graduated with a Distinction). Her work experiences are varied across corporate law firms, think tanks and pro bono clinics, and her specific interests in the law include dispute resolution, competition law and corporate governance.
History / Law
Josh studied History at Balliol College, Oxford, where he was the James Gay Scholar, and he later completed a Master’s degree on the influence of religious rhetoric on the politics of the United States, also at Balliol College. Josh is also a non-practising barrister, having completed his legal training in London and Cardiff, and he is a member of the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple.
Justin is currently completing his Masters in Public Administration at the London School of Economics (LSE) in the School of Public Policy, with a concentration in Economic Policy. Prior to studying at the LSE, Justin was a policy analyst at the Center for American Progress, a U.S. based think tank, where he researched and advocated for policies relating to housing, environmental justice, poverty alleviation, and employment. He also spent time as a consultant with Ernst & Young (EY) advising federal and state government agencies on the implementation of their policies and programs.
Kiara studied Law at St John’s College, University of Cambridge and graduated with a Double First Class degree. She received the Hughes Prize, awarded to the best candidates at St John’s College each year. Following her undergraduate studies, she interned with the United Nations Refugee Agency in Geneva, working on matters of law and policy related to refugee status determination procedures. She also worked as an Associate to a Judge at the Supreme Court of Victoria in Melbourne, Australia. She has recently completed the Bachelor of Civil Law at Merton College, University of Oxford.
Laxmi is entering her fourth year of study at University College London (UCL). She completed her BSc in Clinical Sciences at UCL, where she conducted a systematic review exploring the use of extended reality technologies in medical education. Currently, she is working on an audit evaluating the implementation of teledermatology in clinical settings. Her academic interests encompass medical education, dermatology, and global health.
English Literature
Leah studied English Language and Literature at Hertford College, Oxford. She gained a Distinction for her Masters in Early Modern Literature at KCL, and is currently working on her AHRC-funded DPhil at Balliol College Oxford in metaphors of saintly intercession after the Reformation in literature. She has worked as a research assistant at Lambeth Palace Library, and for the Donne Variorum.
Economics / International Relations
Martina is an MPhil Candidate in Modern Middle Eastern Studies with Persian at St Antony’s College, University of Oxford. Prior to this, she gained a Distinction in her MSc in History of International Relations from the London School of Economics. Her research interests include topics such as the economics of sustainability, economic sanctions, and the politicisation of monetary policy.
Physics / Maths
Mia took a four-year Masters course in Physics at Imperial College London, where she continued on to obtain a PhD in Theoretical Physics, specifically String Theory — a model of particle physics and gravity on microscopic scales. Since then she has been a tutor and academic researcher in Physics and Mathematics, and currently works at the University of Leeds researching Environmental Fluid Dynamics.
History / Law
Neil recently completed a PhD in American History at the University of Oxford, where he researched how American liberalism shaped an emerging American imperial project prior to the First World War. Focusing on the shifting understandings of race, peace, and international law in this period, he is particularly interested in how empires are justified to a domestic audience. He has presented his work at conferences across the UK and the United States. Neil has also recently completed the Postgraduate Diploma in Law.
Physics / Maths
Oliver studied Natural Sciences at Churchill College, University of Cambridge. He graduated with a First-Class degree in his bachelor’s specialised in Astrophysics. He also completed his master’s degree in Astrophysics at the University of Cambridge where he graduated with a First and a college scholarship. He is completing a PhD at Queen Mary, University of London in theoretical physics. His research is on applying general classes of modified gravity theories to the production of gravitational waves.
Oliver studied Jurisprudence (Law) at Magdalen College, University of Oxford, where he was a scholar. He graduated with a first-class degree, as well as prizes in Land Law and Legal History. He was a keen ‘mooter’, and won a number of competitions, both nationally and internationally. Recently, Oliver undertook the Bar Training Course, and will commence pupillage at a prominent commercial-chancery set in Lincoln’s Inn.
Priya is currently in her fifth year of studying medicine at Imperial College London. Last year she graduated with a First Class Honours in Medical Sciences with Endocrinology, in which she carried out a research project studying potential risk factors for pituitary dysfunction in patients with Traumatic Brain Injury. Her interests lie in Paediatrics and Obstetrics & Gynaecology.
Raphael is entering his fourth year of Medical School at the University of Birmingham, having recently completed an intercalated BA in Medical Humanities. During his intercalation, he conducted a qualitative research study on the intersection of LGBTQ+ and professional identities in LGBTQ+ surgeons, exploring the theory of medical professionalism and the mechanisms through which professionalism can discriminate against minority and marginalised surgeons.
Rosario holds a B.A. and an M.A. in Economics from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and is currently pursuing a Master’s in Public Administration at the London School of Economics. Through her academic and professional experiences, she has developed a keen interest in economic policy. Prior to her studies in London, Rosario worked at the Chilean Ministry of Economy, where she was responsible for designing, implementing, and evaluating public policies aimed at stimulating productivity and enhancing the business environment.
Sara is a medical student at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS). She has a keen interest in research, and is particularly interested in the rising incidence of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes among South Asian and Arab populations. This year, she anticipates working on her independent research project, which explores the use of Artificial Intelligence to enhance accessibility to GP appointments. Her academic interests include cardiology, humanitarian medical aid, and medical education.
Steven graduated top of his year for his MA in Philosophy and Theology at Edinburgh University. Since then, he has focused on making specialist philosophy ideas accessible to non-specialist audiences through teaching, coaching, speaking, and writing. He is a Senior Specialist and Teacher Trainer at The Philosophy Foundation, teaches Philosophy at the London Academy of Excellence, and writes a regular column for The Philosopher’s Magazine.
Souparnika has completed a Master’s degree at the UCL Institute of Education where studied Educational Planning, Economics and International Development. She also holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Delhi. Her interests include the economics of education, labour economics and development economics.
International Relations
Thomas holds a Master’s degree in European Affairs from Sciences Po Paris and a Bachelor’s degree in Politics, International Studies and French from the University of Warwick. These academic experiences explored various regions, with focuses on China, Latin America, and the post-Soviet space. He has previously worked in diverse think-tanks, including the Institut Montaigne, analysing key issues in international relations.
Physics / Maths
Tom studied Physics with Space Science at the University of Leicester, graduating with a first-class Masters Degree. For his BSc he researched the detection of exoplanets using the observatory at Leicester, and for his MPhys he researched the field of Self-organised Criticality, and completed a research project on infrared gravitational lensing within galaxy clusters.