Young Thinkers Summer School

A quote from Plato which reads 'Knowledge is the food of the soul' (Illustrating the Young Thinkers Summer School)In our two-day Young Thinkers Summer School we use thought experiments, debates and problem questions to sharpen students’ analytical skills, introduce them to new ideas, and give them the confidence they need to argue any case with precision and finesse.

The subjects we discuss will range from topical issues, to moral problems from everyday life, to the big questions which have plagued philosophers for centuries, such as the nature of truth and reality.

There are no right answers – only the ability to ask the right questions and the requirement to think logically and give reasons to back up your arguments. Informal group discussions allow students to get to grips with some challenging ideas in a relaxed environment, while larger debates offer an opportunity for detailed feedback and responses.

Seminar debates on moral issues such as “Is it wrong to steal if I am poor and hungry?”, “Can it ever be right to kill one person if you save lots of others?”, “Should the government ban people from doing things that might hurt them?”

Fascinating thought experiments designed to offer a way into challenging metaphysical or epistemological questions like “How do we know that life isn’t a simulation, and would it even matter if it was?” or “What makes me the same person I was yesterday?”

An introduction to formal logic and critical thinking.

See a more detailed outline for this course.

Our tutors (see some example tutor profiles) are friendly, approachable, and experienced working with this age group. Working with small groups, they will help students navigate these fascinating and complex debates.

For full practical and booking details just scroll down past the reviews.

In our two-day Young Thinkers Summer School we use thought experiments, debates and problem questions to sharpen students’ analytical skills, introduce them to new ideas, and give them the confidence they need to argue any case with precision and finesse.

The subjects we discuss will range from topical issues, to moral problems from everyday life, to the big questions which have plagued philosophers for centuries, such as the nature of truth and reality.

There are no right answers – only the ability to ask the right questions and the requirement to think logically and give reasons to back up your arguments. Informal group discussions allow students to get to grips with some challenging ideas in a relaxed environment, while larger debates offer an opportunity for detailed feedback and responses.

Seminar debates on moral issues such as “Is it wrong to steal if I am poor and hungry?”, “Can it ever be right to kill one person if you save lots of others?”, “Should the government ban people from doing things that might hurt them?”

Fascinating thought experiments designed to offer a way into challenging metaphysical or epistemological questions like “How do we know that life isn’t a simulation, and would it even matter if it was?” or “What makes me the same person I was yesterday?”

An introduction to formal logic and critical thinking.

See a more detailed outline for this course.

Our tutors (see some example tutor profiles) are friendly, approachable, and experienced working with this age group. Working with small groups, they will help students navigate these fascinating and complex debates.

For full practical and booking details just scroll down past the reviews.

‘I think this course was really useful and fun as I got the opportunity to learn and contemplate new mind-boggling philosophies which are absolutely fascinating and I will carry on throughout my life. I also was given the chance to voice some of my views, which I don’t usually have elsewhere or even at school, which built up my confidence and ability to debate! The teacher was great and really friendly. I would recommend this course for everyone!’

‘The topics were fab and the teaching was great. It felt great to burn up my energy by debating in a positive way and feel able to share my opinions with people who listen. Everyone was really friendly and I had a great time. I would really recommend this day to any of my friends!!’

‘This course, while mind-bending in the extreme, was still very enjoyable and in fact one of the most enjoyable things I’ve done all holiday.’

‘You meet many new friends, while laughing and learning. When you go back to school, you’ll be much better without noticing. So come!’


Click here for more reviews of our Young Thinkers courses, or on the trustpilot link below for general reviews.

‘This course, while mind-bending in the extreme, was still very enjoyable and in fact one of the most enjoyable things I’ve done all holiday.’

‘You meet many new friends, while laughing and learning. When you go back to school, you’ll be much better without noticing. So come!’

Click here for more reviews of our Young Thinkers courses, or on the trustpilot link below for general reviews.

Practical Details

📌 Please note: This is the online version of the course. To view the in-person option, click here.

📅 Course Dates: The online Young Thinkers Summer School is open to students aged 11 – 14 and will take place from 27th – 28th August.

⏰ Teaching Hours: The course runs for two days, with live sessions from 10:00 am to 3:30 pm each day, including a lunch break.

💻 Course Format: This is a live online event, held in small seminar groups for fully interactive discussions and debate. Sessions will not be recorded, so students must be available during the scheduled hours and have a reliable audio and video internet connection.

💰 Course Fee: £125

🔒 Booking: Secure your place with a 25% non-refundable deposit. The remaining balance is due eight weeks before the course starts. [See full booking terms and conditions here.]

📞 Questions? Call us on 0800 810 1058 or email [email protected].

Debate Chamber offers a limited number of full and partial bursaries to students who could not otherwise afford to attend. If you would like to apply for a bursary then please complete your bursary application here.