Thinking about joining Debate Chamber as a Tutor? Here are a few reasons to work with us:
- We have really gre
at students! Our courses tend to attract very bright young people who are motivated and enthusiastic about their subjects, and who welcome an academic challenge. Classroom discussions are good-natured, lively and genuinely interesting.
- Learning for its own sake. We’re a little different to other tutoring companies, in that we don’t coach students to pass their school exams, or finesse their interview technique. Instead, our events focus on building on students’ intellectual curiosity and desire to explore academic material in a more sophisticated way than is often available to them at school. We encourage students to explore material more independently, pursuing their own interests and questions, rather than trying to second guess the desires of an examiner, interviewer or teacher.
- We have a fantastic support team. From supplying really well written lesson plans, to help with setting up equipment for your activities on the day, our office and co-ordination team will be there to make sure that you are able to focus 100% on the classroom. The staff room atmosphere is always friendly and we can promise that your fellow tutors will be an interesting and inspiring group.
- A good balance. Although we do supply full plans and materials, we also encourage our tutors to bring their own expertise and own style to the delivery of lessons and to respond to the interests of students in each particular class, rather than teaching to a strict plan.
- We get great student feedback. Education companies tend to come and go quite quickly, but we have been running academic events for more than 15 years now, and have expanded every year, largely through the power of word-of-mouth and by gaining the confidence of schools and teachers. Being part of something you can be proud of is a very rewarding experience and one that we would like to share.
Here are a few key things we look for in our Tutors:
- A
very high level of subject knowledge and an excellent academic record. As a minimum you should have a good degree from a top university (in a relevant subject), preferably also a postgraduate qualification and/or relevant work experience. Most of our tutors are currently in postgraduate education and looking for summer or supplementary work.
- A genuine love for your subject and a desire to share that enthusiasm with students.
- Exceptional communication skills. In particular the ability to vary and adapt your communication style to suit different learning styles and approaches.
- The ability to foster a collaborative and inclusive classroom environment. We place a strong emphasis on constructing spaces where students from a wide range of backgrounds can feel comfortable and confident – an ability to facilitate a sense of teamwork and shared endeavour is vital.
Think that sounds like it might be you? Available Summer 2025, either online or in-person (central London)? Want to learn more? Please complete the form below, (for which you will need to upload a short video introduction), and we will be in touch!
Thinking about joining Debate Chamber as a Tutor? Here are a few reasons to work with us:
- We have really great students! Our courses tend to attract very bright young people who are motivated and enthusiastic about their subjects, and who welcome an academic challenge. Classroom discussions are good-natured, lively and genuinely interesting.
- Learning for its own sake. We’re a little different to other tutoring companies, in that we don’t coach students to pass their school exams, or finesse their interview technique. Instead, our events focus on building on students’ intellectual curiosity and desire to explore academic material in a more sophisticated way than is often available to them at school. We encourage students to explore material more independently, pursuing their own interests and questions, rather than trying to second guess the desires of an examiner, interviewer or teacher.
- We have a fantastic support team. From supplying really well written lesson plans, to help with setting up equipment for your activities on the day, our office and co-ordination team will be there to make sure that you are able to focus 100% on the classroom. The staff room atmosphere is always friendly and we can promise that your fellow tutors will be an interesting and inspiring group.
- A good balance. Although we do supply full plans and materials, we also encourage our tutors to bring their own expertise and own style to the delivery of lessons and to respond to the interests of students in each particular class, rather than teaching to a strict plan.
- We get great student feedback. Education companies tend to come and go quite quickly, but we have been running academic events for more than 10 years now, and have expanded every year, largely through the power of word-of-mouth and by gaining the confidence of schools and teachers. Being part of something you can be proud of is a very rewarding experience and one that we would like to share.
Here are a few key things we look for in our Tutors:
- A very high level of subject knowledge and an excellent academic record. As a minimum you should have a good degree from a top university (in a relevant subject), preferably also a postgraduate qualification and/or relevant work experience. Most of our tutors are currently in postgraduate education and looking for summer or supplementary work.
- A genuine love for your subject and a desire to share that enthusiasm with students.
- Exceptional communication skills. In particular the ability to vary and adapt your communication style to suit different learning styles and approaches.
- The ability to foster a collaborative and inclusive classroom environment. We place a strong emphasis on constructing spaces where students from a wide range of backgrounds can feel comfortable and confident – an ability to facilitate a sense of teamwork and shared endeavour is vital.
Think that sounds like it might be you? Available for summer 2025, either online or in-person (central London)? Want to learn more? Please complete the form below, (for which you will need to upload a short video introduction), and we will be in touch!