Our Approach
All Debate Chamber courses are taught by expert tutors who share a passion for exploring and communicating ideas. Most of our tutors have completed, or are in the process of completing, postgraduate research and are therefore perfectly placed to challenge preconceptions, inspire original thinking, and bridge the educational gap between secondary school and university. Our courses focus on developing intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and the desire to explore academic material in a more sophisticated way than is often available at school.
Debate Chamber prides itself on creating an inclusive environment where students feel comfortable discussing and sharing ideas with their tutors and peers. We encourage our students to think independently, and to pursue their own interests and questions, in order to stimulate lively debate within the class. Working in small groups over several days means that you will really get to know your tutor, develop your ideas, and benefit from their specialist knowledge.
All Debate Chamber courses are taught by expert tutors who share a passion for exploring and communicating ideas. Most of our tutors have completed, or are in the process of completing, postgraduate research and are therefore perfectly placed to challenge preconceptions, inspire original thinking, and bridge the educational gap between secondary school and university. Our courses focus on developing intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and the desire to explore academic material in a more sophisticated way than is often available at school.
Debate Chamber prides itself on creating an inclusive environment where students feel comfortable discussing and sharing ideas with their tutors and peers. We encourage our students to think independently, and to pursue their own interests and questions, in order to stimulate lively debate within the class. Working in small groups over several days means that you will really get to know your tutor, develop your ideas, and benefit from their specialist knowledge.
‘A really fantastic week, taught by some truly inspirational tutors whose passion really showed in their energetic and engaging sessions. The relaxed atmosphere worked incredibly well because it allowed the students and tutors to discuss in detail anything that we were curious about even if it wasn’t specifically on our timetable.’