English Literature Summer School – Part 1 (Online)

An introduction to various critical approaches, including historicism and feminism, which will be used to explore early English literature. Ideal as a preparation to undergraduate study.

English Literature Summer School – Part 2 (Online)

Online Event , United Kingdom

This course will explore Romanticism, the Rise of the Novel, and Modernism with students being exposed to different critical approaches including post-colonial theory and the 'death of the author'.

English Literature Summer School – Part 3 (Online)

Online Event , United Kingdom

The English Summer School – Part 3 will cover contemporary English Literature, including prose fiction, poetry and drama. We will be covering psychoanalytic criticism and theories of the canon as part of this Summer School.

Philosophy Summer School (In-Person)

Woburn House Woburn House, 20 Tavistock Square, London, United Kingdom

The Philosophy Summer School will tackle some of the really big questions. We will engage in lively seminar discussions, close textual analysis and exegesis (critical explanation and interpretation of a text), use thought experiments to isolate philosophical intuitions and ideas, and explore our own and others attempted solutions to philosophical problems.